Iran Jails/Persecutes American Pastor

SaeedA U.S. citizen by the name of Saeed Abedini is in Evin prison in Iran serving an eight year sentence handed down by Iranian Judge Pir-Abassi, whom ACLJ says is known as the “hanging judge. Saeed has been jailed for threatening the national security of Iran by leading Christian services in Iranian households.

Saeed Abedini wrote a letter to his family describing what he called “horrific” and “unbearable” conditions in the Iranian prison where he is held.  Saeed said in the letter that his body is so weak that he is no longer able to walk.

The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) said ” It’s our hope that Secretary Kerry will act without delay – doing all that can be done by the State Department to save this U.S. citizen.”  Needless to say, KKM join in this hope and will continue to pray for our brother in Christ Saeed Abedini.   We hope that you will join us in prayer and share this story with as many people as you can via social media to raise awareness with what is taken place in Iran regarding the persecution of Christians.

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