The US in Chaos / Cop Killers Seeking Revenge

The US in Chaos / Cop Killers Seeking Revenge

Our country has slid into a high degree of chaos it seems to me.

There are bad cops beating up ladies, choking and executing citizens with impunity.

Oh what a fury, where in the laws does it say the police is judge and jury.

No one should be taking the laws in their own hands.

That is NOT the way of our land.

Now we have cop killers seeking revenge, oh where and when will it end?

As bad as it is, without good cops enforcing the law, it will get so much worse.

So before we start condemning and accusing ALL police officers, we need to consider this first.

Don’t fall for Satan’s tricks and deceptions and treat all police officers the same.

If we do and they stop enforcing the law, we have only ourselves to blame.

Those in leadership, its past time to step up and hold bad officers accountable.

Failure to do so could cause our country to slip into a state of confusion that could be insurmountable.

Those who have the most to lose the ones with the money and the power, it’s time to speak-up make your voice heard; this is your hour!

Don’t stay on the sideline and watch the implosion of this once great nation.

Remember, you have the most to lose, if we experience such devastation.

Do You Want to Know? – The Good Life!

Do you want to know?…

How it feels to go anywhere and never feel alone always feeling connected without having a phone.

To always feel love no matter who is in your life to cast all of your cares and seldom feel strife.

To pray for protection and walk in confidence knowing he is always there he is your defense.

To not worry about your needs knowing he will provide them as long as you have faith and put your trust in Him.

That when this life is over, it will not be the end because when He returns a new life will begin.

Do you want to know?…

How to live in this world, but not be of it, to live in a new realm made up of the spirit?

To be in a place that this world can’t control because you put trust in him and surrendered your soul.

Know the power of faith and what it can do when you tell something to go you know it must move.

That nothing can stop you, when you’re walking in God’s purpose and when you ask in His name you know it must surface.

Do you want to know?

How to walk by faith and not by your sight? How to go where he says though it doesn’t feel right?

To learn thing about the world that are not taught in school and start receiving revelation and stop being a fool?

How to come to the Father? How to save youy soul and learn what is your purpose and what is your goal?

How to start living this life that you don’t want to miss and start living it today because tomorrow is not promised?

Do you want to know?