FREE Bible Study: Genesis 1:1 – In the Beginning


Have you ever thought about this or asked yourself these questions? How did this all begin; the world that is?  How can we believe a God that we cannot see?  How can we know that He exist?

This is a lesson about the beginning!

Many of you probably heard the phrase making something out of nothing before.  You know when somebody takes something that is old that appear not to be worth much but is then fixed up or dressed it up to look presentable or may be even valuable.

However the truth of the matter is they really did not make something out of nothing.  They actually had something to start with or work from.  This is not the case when God created the world as you read per Hebrews 11:3.

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FREE Bible Study: Proverbs 3 – The Benefit of Having Kingdom Knowledge

healthy living

Proverbs 3 tells us that there are benefits to having access to kingdom knowledge or wisdom from God. King Solomon also stresses in this chapter the importance of having love and faithfulness. Love and faithfulness will give us favor and a good name.

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