FREE Bible Study: Proclaiming Jesus with Conviction – Acts 4

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Beloved, you may be asking yourself, with all of the various books in the bible, why KKMinistry chose Acts 4 as its first published free bible study. I feel like I was lead by God to do a study on this chapter because this chapter talks specifically about the conviction of the Christian to speak and do what thus said the Lord, which is so important today because there is an apparent effort to silence and/or eradicate God and His Word.

It is my hope that we can learn from these scriptures and obtain some of the courage and boldness exemplified by the two apostles from which this story and lesson was written.  Note that they confound the men who tried to silence them and even those men knew that Peter and John were not acting solely under their own authority and power.

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Psalms 83 Ebook

The next prophetic event!

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newsletter if you haven’t done so already. If you sign-up, I will send you a free Ebook about Psalms 83, which explains how it will most likely be the next big prophetic event.

Boston Bombing – KKM Commentary

Boston Bombing

Boston Bombing

What are your thoughts on the recent bombing in Boston and the criminal activities surrounding it?

I think the degree of evil, hate and destructiveness has increased around the world and it is beginning to manifest itself more here in the United States in the form of mass shootings and murders.

We need to do what we can to protect ourselves and be safe.  However, I don’t expect things will get any better here in the US and will most likely get worse because the people of the nation has moved away from its moral foundation, which was and still is God.

You see laws and regulations are not what make people good people.  The regulations act as a deterrent by making clear the consequences of immoral or illegal activity and they also set the punishment for partaking in such activity.

What makes people do the right thing is their moral compass, which in the US was based on biblical principles and love for their fellow man.  The falling or moving away from these principles has made the people selfish, thereby seeking to do whatever it takes to gratify or benefit self regardless of who they harm or hurt.

Do you think the Boston bombings will have an underlying element of selfishness behind it?

Absolutely and without a doubt, because whatever their motives or so called sick reasoning for doing what they did is, they did it at the expense of many others for their own selfish reasons.  Others had to be sacrificed, so to speak to achieve their ultimate goal.

Anyone who can do something like this lacks love and compassion for their fellow man.  It’s all about them and their agenda, wants and desires.  The element of selfishness is a key component in almost all of our most egregious crimes ranging from Bernie Maddox to this recent Boston bombing.

What’s your advice to people who have been terrorized by this recent incident?

I would tell them it’s time to meet your maker and I don’t mean kill yourself or die but to start a relationship with God the creator of the universe.  Once you surrender to him, accept His son Jesus as the Savior and let him control and guide your life and fill you with his love, grace and the Holy Spirit, you will fear no more because God does not give us the spirit of fear.

You will be encouraged by words and scriptures like I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me and you will see clearly that this world is not the end all be all.  I like to describe this world as merely a test to see who is worthy to live in the ultimate world of paradise, which is all based on who we choose to serve of the two masters; Satan or the Creator.

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Psalms 83 Ebook

The next prophetic event!

Don’t forget to sign-up for the KKMinistry newsletter if you haven’t done so already. If you sign-up, I will send you a free Ebook about Psalms 83, which explains how it will most likely be the next big prophetic event.

KKM 008: Study reveals 43% of Christians Deceived or Ignorant? – Podcast

imagesThis podcast is a review and critique of a study conducted by Life Way Research, which reveals some pretty shocking numbers by people who profess to be Christians or follower of Jesus the Christ the son of God of the Holy Bible.

As you listen to the information pertaining to the study, please give some thought as to whether or not a person who doesn’t believe scriptures that are clearly stated in the Holy Bible can really be a believer in the God of the Holy Bible.

You can also watch me present this information via the video below:

Don’t forget to sign-up for the KKMinistry newsletter if you haven’t done so already. If you sign-up, I will send you a free Ebook about Psalms 83, which explains how it will most likely be the next big prophetic event.

Please click the play button at the end of this post to listen to the podcast.

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KKM 007: Israel & Psalm 83 – The Prophesied Inevitable War – Podcast

map of israelMany people are familiar with the scriptures in Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38 and have an understanding that these scriptures have to do with two wars that will most likely occur during the end times, which will be the period of time just before the return of Jesus the Christ as Lord and Savior.

I am of the belief that the Psalm 83 war will come first. This war at a high level is about a group of people (Muslims and Arabs) who subscribe to one belief, which is Islam, and their hate for another group of people (the Jews) who subscribe to another belief, which is Judaism. Believers of Islam are unsettled by the notion that the Jews are said to be chosen people who were given the land of Israel by way of a covenant with their God.

I cover the following in this podcast and in an eBook that you can get for free by subscribing to my newsletter:

  1. The Constant Threats Towards Israel
  2. The Prophesied Inevitable Wars
  3. Where Did All the Hate Come From?
  4. We MUST Keep an Eye on Israel
  5. Signs of the End Times

The eBook contains links to other sources and videos, so you might want to get it in addition to listening to the podcast. Click here to get the eBook!

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Israel Discovers Natural Gas

Israel strikes natural gasIsrael just struck black gold thereby increasing the net worth of their land significantly.  Will this raise the brow and the covetousness of their haters who want their land and the Jews annihilated?

When you think about it this way, this new find by Israel could have significant bible prophecy implications.  It could potentially raise the stakes of those who are already plotting against them.  I’m talking Psalm 83 followed by Ezekiel 38.

Watch the video below to learn more about Israel’s new discovery and how much it will change the wealth of its country.

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US Take Threats From North Korea Serious

US carrier shipThe US is taking North Korea’s threat serious and they are sending missile destroyer carriers to the Pacific waters off of the Korean peninsula as the leader of North Korea continues to threaten the US and its neighboring South Korea.

If it is attention that the leader of North Korea wants, then he is getting just that.  However, I’m not sure why he would want the military of a super power, who you don’t particularly get along with, in or near your waters watching your every military move.  It all seems very irrational to me, which concerns me more than the threats.

Watch the video to learn about some other things that the leader of North Korea is doing and saying that does not make any sense.

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