KKM 005: TBN Drama / Made for Hollywood – Podcast

In this podcast I will be talking about TBN (one of the world’s largest Christian broadcast companies) and some of the things that are allegedly going on in and with that so called “ministry”, which might explain why the quality of their programming seemed to be deteriorating lately.

Do you remember when Paul Crouch Jr. was the primary person in front of the camera at TBN?

Well back in October of 2011 Paul Crouch, Jr. resigned rather suddenly from the Family-Founded TBN or the Trinity Broadcasting Network started by his parents Paul and Jan Crouch about 38 years ago.

It was like one day Paul was gone, his father came back on the scene and Paul’s brother Matt and his wife suddenly took over hosting the programs.

Well, I just recently read a story on the Apprising Ministries’ blog that could explain why we may have seen this change and the explanation sounds like something straight out of Hollywood yall!

Listen to this podcast to hear what appears to be a very reliable source and what she is accusing some of the big wigs at TBN of and find out how she is related to the aforementioned once head man of TBN Mr. Paul Crouch Jr., which might explains why Paul is no longer with the outfit.
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10 thoughts on “KKM 005: TBN Drama / Made for Hollywood – Podcast

  1. Man I hate it when people let greed get the best of them and let satan distract the main mission-Lord i pray that not too many people fall if this is true? I hope it awakes some of these other ministries at same token!

    • Midi, I have a gut feeling that there is a lot of truth to some of these allegations. We will have to wait and see. Thanks for your comment.

  2. Yep…I’ve heard these allegations by the grandaughter and that they were threatening her life because she was telling what was going on behind the scenes. I don’t know these people but I am sooooo inclined to believe her claims. Many things I have heard Paul and others featured on TBN say have been very MOOT! Father HELP THEM! US!!

    • I’m not even sure you can make up some of the things the ex-CFO and grand daughter is saying 🙂 … Like buying a mobile home for their dogs. Now that’s pretty unbelievable when so many people are suffering. Thanks for your comment. God bless.

      • I’m not surprised !!! They are making the acronym TBN mean ” The Blasphemy Network ” !!!

        • and done,it’s irrelevant;as a Spirit-Filled snveart of God of 35 years standing and a lay-theologian of 22 years, I’ve found little to recommend TBN(except sometimes they show great movies!);they have little theological depth and have an inordinate concern for money for satellites-which is fine as far as it goes if and when the True Gospel is being preached,not the feel-good,world-loving,Americanized,capitalistic/materialistic pseudo gospel being spewed out by religious hucksters.So that’s my take.Paul Crouch stated baldly that they endorse this false gospel which is specifically designed to Make merchandise of the naefve,the gullible,and the spiritually undiscerning.These religious racketeers count on the sad fact that too many Christians don’t bother opening their Bibles until they’re sitting in the pews on Sunday morning,so once they tune in to the TBN spinmeisters the rest of the week,they’re ripe for the pickings;a little masterful tweaking and parseing of the relevant passages,and the money starts rolling in.(Remember Robert Tilton’s $1,000 vow of faith ? It can from Psalm 50:14)-At any rate,there you have it.Heed,and reflect,and may the True and Living God bless us all.

      • If you visit the Rapture Ready Radio podcast, you can hear a renect interview with Brittany Koper (who is Paul Crouch Jr’s daughter). Very eye opening, given this is coming from Paul and Jan Crouch’s own granddaughter who had a bird’s eye view of things and so much to lose by coming forward. Also if you type TBN into the RRR (blog talk radio) search area, it will bring up more podcast exposes on TBN that were done in past months, exposing their greed, etc.

    • I love what you do jan you are the most amazing peosrn I have ever ment may god bless you more and more every day love you jan love you

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