Delivered to Wrong Address

Do you know how you feel when the mailman delivers a package to you and it’s not your package.? It was delivered to the wrong address. You feel frustrated and annoyed because now you have to figure out what to do with this package. If it belongs to somebody in your neighborhood, do you walk it over to your neighbor? If not someone in the neighborhood, do you write delivered to the wrong address and put it back in the mailbox?

One thing you know for sure is you can’t keep it because it doesn’t belong to you. This is also true when you get involved in a relationship that wasn’t meant to be. This could be any type of relationship, for example, romantic, business, professional, etc. You may be a full package or in other words, you could be someone who is very stable with a lot to offer, but the thing or person that came into your life is not a good fit.

The sooner you recognize a relationship or situation that wasn’t meant to be and the sooner you get out of it, the sooner you will enter a relationship that was meant for you and is in alignment with God’s purpose for you.

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